February Service

Holy moly! Itӳ already February and obviously the New Year doesnӴ seem so new anymore. And just when the year of Oyasamaӳ 120th Anniversary is over, some people are saying we must now prepare for the 130th AnniversaryŠ Give me a couple days rest first! (Or more like a couple years!). Well, it means we shouldnӴ get complacent and take it easy; that we should stay focused on our missionō

Congratulations to John and Yuk Mei Inouye and their family on the establishment of Hawaii Kai Mission Station with their dedication service being held this past Monday. The bishop said in his speech that this was a good start in preparation for the 130th AnniversaryŠ Now Rev. Tyron is the envy of the small churches. Heӳ got a mission station under his belt. Hey, how about Pearl Church? Sending out messagesō

The Tenri Cultural Center Hinokishin Day will be held on Monday, February 19th (Presidentӳ Day) from 9am-11am with lunch being served at 11am and the YMA conducting sports games after lunch. Please make an effort to attend and help with the clean up. Again another opportunity for planting good seeds, fellowship, and spiritual growthŠ Let me know if youӲe coming so that Dendocho can prepare the proper amount of food.

Rev. Owen Nakao

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