Monthly Service Prayer November 2011

Before God the Parent, Tenri-O-no-Mikoto, I, Owen Osamu Nakao, Pastor of Tenrikyo Pearl Church, pray with reverence:

God the Parent, in this month of Thanksgiving, we are very grateful for Your constant protection and gradual instruction that guides us on the path to spiritual growth. In gratitude, we are all striving for the sake of single-hearted salvation while leaning on the ever-living Oyasama.

Today, for this November monthly service at Pearl Church, we give thanks for being kept alive by your divine grace and being blessed by your love and protection. The service performers will now unite their hearts to perform the seated service and Teodori joyously and in high spirits. Please accept our prayers as we brothers and sisters of this Path have looked forward to this day and have gathered before You to sing the Mikagura-uta.

Through your blessing and guidance ten persons from Pearl Church attended the Church Headquarters October Grand Service. Also, two persons from Pearl Church attended the church headquarters October Grand Service. One person returned Jiba for the month of October. Also due to Your blessing we are near completion of the rain barrel project to utilize rain water to water plants and wash the vehicles. We give thanks that an average of three persons are helping yard work for the elderly and disabled in our community. Although we did not actively participate in the Trick or Treat for UNICEF activity, we are encouraging people to make donations through the UNICEF collection boxes. We thank you deeply to these wonderful blessings.

In this eleventh month of the 174th year of Tenrikyo, we vow to continue to work together engaging in hinokishin and salvation work with a unity of mind and encourage as many people as possible to return to Jiba. We pray for the victims and survivors of conflicts and disasters in the world; that they may have faith and resolve to overcome their grief and suffering.

We pray that Your guidance will strengthen us into worthy Yoboku, striving with a single heart for the salvation of others. We hope that our efforts will bring joy to You and peace in this world where we all help one another as brothers and sisters. With our minds in unity towards the Truth of the Jiba, we would like to spiritedly perform the November Monthly Service today.

In union with the congregation, I pray for these blessings.

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